As the most popular and largest percentage of users on FitTogether, social users have a ton of features and services built out for them to keep them happy and engaged. The difference between FitTogether and “BigTech” social apps is that we have services and features built out for each persona to make FitTogether more valuable to them. There are almost 200 million card carrying gym rats on planet earth and we want to build something that all of them can appreciate and use! Some of the social user benefits are below.
Features and
- Sync accounts with Fitbit and create challenges with friends and family to help keep their fitness goals interesting and exciting.
- Set daily/weekly goals for steps/calories/workouts/miles with Fitbit.
- Post pictures and videos of all your recent fitness conquests.
- Easily create groups to get your friends in on the fun.
- Book time with your favorite trainer directly from FT.
- Add yourself to group classes at your favorite gym with a click of a button.
- See who else is already taking the class so you know if your BFF is already signed up.
- Create FitSpots which are cool outdoor locations around your city where people like to run, hike, bike etc.
- Once you are following your favorite FitSpots on FT you will always be notified when people are hosting events and other activities at your local FitSpots.
- Accept challenges from your gym and/or trainer to win prizes.
- Create training appointments with your friends at the gym of your choosing.