FitTogether, “THE FITNESS SOCIAL NETWORK” is a purpose built social networking app designed specifically for the gym and fitness industry.
FitTogether is a fully functional fitness social network with the added benefit of having a tool set built in for gym manager/owners and fitness trainers to better connect with their members and clients. So WHY did we create FitTogether when there are so many other social tools out there?
We believe here at FitTogether that fitness changes lives.
We believe that there is strength in numbers and that when you surround yourself with people who share similar goals, values and morals, it makes YOUR goals much easier to achieve.
We believe in strong positive re-enforcement to help others around you achieve their own goals.
We believe in positive and uplifting social interaction and maybe more importantly massive daily action to make the planet a better place for everyone.
We believe that the human body is amazing machine and that when fed and trained properly it can do absolutely amazing things you maybe never thought possible.
We believe that every person reading this can have the type of health and fitness success they desire with the right support.
We believe that the fitness community needed its own unique, specially designed platform for us all to learn and grow from each other with features specific to OUR lives. If these are things that YOU believe too, then you are always welcome in our house.
To us, FitTogether is not simply another app or website. It is a tool that we can all use to better our lives together. The most important thing about FitTogether is that it exists outside of your computer screen and your phone. Unlike other social sites and apps, FitTogether is absolutely meant to bring people together IN PERSON to do fun, healthy and amazing things with.
Our mission is to improve the global health and fitness of millions of people by building the largest, purpose driven gym and social fitness platform on earth in an effort to end the next pandemic before it even starts.
FitTogether was born in America’s Finest City, San Diego when Owner/Founder, Scott Bowen recognized the fact that the gym industry was in dire need of its own platform where gym goers, trainers and gym owners/managers could go hang out, socialize, meet, learn and grow together all on one platform. Gym and fitness junkies are some of the biggest users and proponents of social media, it only made sense to design a space built FOR gym folks BY gym folks. Everything in the app is designed to target the almost 200 million card carrying gym rats around the globe.
Perks & Benefits
Registered official fitness
social network in USA. -
A complete digital fitness
solution. -
User friendly mobile app & web
Specially curated roles like
social, trainers and managers. -
Find nearby people with same
fitness interests. -
Live social feeds, challenges,
goals to boost your fitness.
Personalized profile and
fitness stats. -
Nearby fitspots and Training
classes. -
Fitness event and nearby
The App

FitTogether provides trainers with set of tools to help you run your business including a calendaring function for you to use with your clients. Additionally, you will be added to FT’s database of trainers so people can find you by location and training discipline. Another big benefit is you will be engaging on an app and in a community where all members on the app are fitness enthusiasts and potential consumers of your services and/or products. Can’t beat that..
Much like our trainer profile, gym managers get access to a tool set to help them manage their business, their trainers and even some member management tools. In contrast to big tech where your engagement rate is less than 1% because of the business model, FitTogether’s entire premise is meant to help you stay connected and engaged with all your members that join our app. We don’t charge you to get you followers and we definitely don’t charge to ensure your posts are seen by them. We do it different, we do it BETTER. We will help improve your retention and engagement levels across the board.
Absolutely! We are happy to discuss a SaaS model with you where you either just purchase the software from us, or we manage it all for you including the hosting and security for a monthly fee. We are happy to accommodate whatever makes the most sense for YOUR business.
For starters, we are fitness stuff only. We really don’t want people here talking about divisive topics like politics etc. This is a place to come where things like accountability and encouragement drive the culture on our app. We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment of members. If you suck at being nice, kind and helpful, we boot you, no questions asked. We exist to help others achieve their goals in a safe, secure environment.